20 Seo interview Questions and Answers - Askrajnishonline



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Friday, March 13, 2015

20 Seo interview Questions and Answers

1) Why is the Title so important in SEO?

- Title is the main part of any web site that provides a way to use the element to display the title.

- Title of the web site is the element that is used for the search engines and its positioning in it.

- Title is usually placed in the tag of the HTML and it describes the main title of the website and its purpose.

- It is a descriptive word in 12-15 words and describes the nature of the title that can be optimized according to the search engines.

- Title is a way to describe the website’s aim and it is being shown on the web browsers title bar.

2) What is the purpose of keyword in SEO?

- Keyword is a word or group of words that makes a phrase that is being typed by the person in search box of the search engine.

- These keywords are used by search engines to populate the subjects over the Internet and search results are populated according to that.

- Search engines stores the keywords in the database for the web sites and when the search is being it picks the most matched word from the database.

- The words can be found out or placed in the order for the web site that displays them in order of preference.

- Keywords are also written in the Meta tag that is placed in tag and it describes the website.

3) What is the function of body content relevance?

- Body content relevance is used for the text that doesn’t consist of images on the web page of the web site.

- It is also known as non-image text that provides the description and relates it to the title, description and keywords.

- The body content helps you having the higher ranking in the search engines and allows good optimization of the sites and pages.

- Body content allows the use of many statements and elements to be used to display it on the web front.

- Body content is used to have the relevance of using the tags that focuses on more on increasing the popularity.

4) How does the submission process work?

- Submission programs are used to send the data of the web site address to the server to request to display it.

- Submission programs have the “URL” to search engines that allows the links used to refer to the URL strings.

- Engines use many techniques to parse the URL using the spider through the HTML code and looks for particular tags.

- The tags that are searched for uses <a href= “”> and this consists of the link to which the pointer is pointing to.

- The parsing of the entire page is being done by using the small Web BOT that travels through the link and find more searching for links.

- The links uses the same procedure of all the pages at URL address when it is found on the search engines.

5) When do the Submission appear on the engines?

- Engine and the directory structure for the website are different and it allows the submission to be done using the engine only.

- The submission can take time or it is required to have the instances of the web site to be listed on the search engines.

- Submission can only appear on the engines if it is submitted correctly and it provides better visibility of the request.

- The engines can be added according to the submissions that are taking place and the calculative chances with the sources.

- The engines and directories are put in a queue and add the chance to check the site for the content that is being used.

6) What is function and parts involved in search engine?

- Internet search engines having three parts in which the functions can be performed and they are as follows:

- A spider is also known as crawler or bot, this travels from one page to another page and visits the complete page.
  1- It represents the page that needs to be searched on the web site and displayed on the search engines.
  2- It includes the reading of the website using the hyperlinks on all the pages and there is communication that takes place from one page to another.

- Catalog or indexing is being done that is created by the programs that compile the pages being read from the web sites.

- Program that receives the search request and it has its own comparison with the indexing that needs to be done to have the results located.

7) What is the use of a program in SEO related information?

- The program receives the information using the search request and then it compares the entry with the index and according to that show the results.

- Program allows the search engine to use a structured directory that includes the topics and allow the search engine to crawl the data from the web.

- Program allows the web portal sites to offer the search engines and directories that find the information and make it accessible to all.

- It includes the basic components and features essential for the users to be used for the better optimization of the search engines.

- The components work together to provide the information for the search engine to perform better.

8) What are the basic actions that can be performed on search engines?

- Search engines use basic components and features to make the result easier for the users.

- It provides three basic actions that can be performed using the search engine and are as follows:

- Gathering of information is being done by the spiders that gather the information and list it down for the crawling by the search engines.

- Analyze the information includes the analyzing of the search engine techniques and the way it is being analyzed with respect to other users.

- Display information includes the result that needs to be displayed to the user and in right way.

9) What are the ways in which spiders can find the web site?

- Spiders are the information gathering tools that allow the bot to collect the information about the web sites on the Internet.

- The programs that are used provide gathering of the content from the web site and the store for processing of the data.

- There are two ways in which spiders can perform the search function on the website and it is as follows:

- Search engine can be allowed to find the website that is being created directly by the use of Meta keywords or data.

- It can also tell the search engine the information about the website and use the related data to provide to let your site appear on the search engines.

10) How does search engine perform?

- Search engines are used on the web to place the websites according to the ranking or suggestions.

- Search engines can be placed on any site that needs to be made as search engine friendly. It allows the search engines to search the sites and display them on the front according to the pre-defined ranking criteria.

- Once the site is suggested for the search engine then the website information gets collected and the links are followed on each web site.

- The linked websites works when the site is visited and on that other links also gets active.

- If there are more websites that link to the site of the user then the spider (information gatherer) will find the site and display it.

11) What is the procedure for the search engine to spider the user’s website?

- Search engine uses spiders to gather the information from the websites and on revisiting it shows the submitted URL for the website.

- The spider that is used with the search engine finds the information and revisits the site when the URL of the site is submitted again.

- After the spider finds the link of the user’s site it specifies the amount of time is being spent from the last visit.

- After looking at the number of websites the spider visits and the resources being utilized by the spider the visits can be calculated.

- It uses the visits and revisits of the user for the user’s site to calculate the exact result for the search engine.

12) What is the procedure to display the information of search engine?

- Search engines are used to search for a query by the user and display the result by selecting the web pages that are related to the query.

- The sites that are under, the result returns the algorithm that is being analyzed, in case of web pages and stored in the search index.

- Search engine displays the file size of the web page and it calculates according to the percentage of users being visited the website.

- The web pages can be optimized for the better search result and then the new result can be returned according to the sites.

- The results are being shown according to the order of relevance of the content that is being given for different sites.

13) What is the use of using keyword prominence?

- Keyword prominence works on the principle of the location of the given keyword in the HTML source code and the web pages.

- It depends on the availability of the word, higher the word in a page more prominence/weight it will have.

- The weight is being assigned by the search engine and the result also comes out on the basis of the keyword prominence.

- The location is also very important of placing of the keywords in the individual HTML tags.

- The tags like "web devlopment" etc. can be used to contain the keywords that can increase the results according to the user’s point of view.

14) What is the function of Organic search engine optimization?

- Organic search engine optimization provides the services that allow the inclusion of knowledge as well as information of the websites to be used.

- Organic search engine results in effective services that can be get on the monthly basis or pay per click basis.

- Pages included in the organic field provide the input to the search engine and make the searches easier for user’s to find out.

- These search engine optimization techniques are used to organically create the content and the data.

- After the creation the data can be put in SEO for other sites to know more about it. This provides good services and search positions.

15) What are the effects on websites using the organic search optimizations?

- Websites are used for optimization purpose to make it faster and secure at the same time optimize it so that it can be user friendly.

- The optimizations bring faster services, good quality of product and good web traffic and customer customization techniques.

- There should be a provision to reach the customers early and in a good way rather than providing the resources to the clients.

- Customers can reward the experience to the products and services used on the websites by making it to work.

- The users are all tied up regarding the time that is being shared with the time that is having no returns.

16) What are the tools used in organic search engine optimization?

- Organic search engine optimization provides a way to display the website that is fully optimized in the search engine.

- It includes the traffic and the search results that include the body of the search to be search engine friendly.

- The results that are used for organic search engine provide the site relevance to the keywords phrase that is being queried.

- Search engines uses lots of ways to use the users either in a sponsored way or paid listing way.

- The organic listing is very relevant to the work that the search phrase provides as it allows only the important keyword to be included in the search engine’s index.

17) What are the different types of Ethical SEO?

- Ethical SEO provides the standards and search engine functionality to provide the optimization for the websites.

- Ethical SEO provides positioning of the results that is longer lasting and provide frequent changes made in the algorithms.

- This provides a way to optimize the search sites by making it appear on the search engine and promote it using the best techniques.

- This provides a way to legally use the techniques and have the methods to optimize the results in a faster way.

18) What is the purpose of cloaking?

- Cloaking is used by black hat and it is one of the unethical practices in SEO. It uses the devices that provide deceiving mechanism for the search engines.

- This directs the webpage to a place that are not visible on domain and the spiders or crawlers are analyzing for it.

- Cloaking provides the use of false pages that are loaded with the keyword and other content that is search engine optimized.

- This boosts the search engine results to rank the page higher on the search engines and provide artificial methods to advance the ranking of a web page.

- Cloaking only works when it uses CGI scripts in the hidden web page used to scan the IP address of the visitor visiting the web page.

19) What is the function of Cross linking?

- Cross linking is used to refer the process of linking one site to another site and provide a way to allow the accessing to it.

- It doesn’t need to be owned by the same person as it provides the methods that have been be built on the Internet.

- It provides the users with reference sites that consist of the contents similar to the viewing of the site of the document with certain defaults.

- It serves the purpose to display the page on the search engines using search engine optimization techniques and methods.

- The site ranking is calculated on the basis of the relevance of the sites and then it is reflected on the search engine.

- It uses SEO tools that provide reciprocal links and inbound links that can be used as our SEO.

20) What are the guidelines need to be followed to write the SEO?

- SEO uses the cross linking between the two sites that is having other functionalities as follows:

- This allows the site to be unique and having the original content and the site is being evaluated on the basis of the content.

- Use of different IP address can work out as well as use of crawlers that doesn’t get penalized for cross linking.

- Cross linking is not used on every page as it fills the page with other links and puts the link on the same websites using the page.

- Anchor text is used in the cross linking that provides rich keywords and in good length used by the search engine crawlers.

- Link ring shouldn’t be created on sites as search engines will penalize the cross linking of the websites.


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